Thursday, 26 April 2018

groups io 3

hi all mark the site owner has spoke and he is not at all pleased at the lies i do not blame him as i was watching it un fold and even i said hmm it does not look strate i am just glad he has spoke as it was getting out of hand world war 3 was about to start when hitler came with his guns and stopped the war so i hope all will remain on peace if hitler starts his fire again i will blog about it i am thank full that the army came out tonight its not fare on him as now he will need to watch this topic i dis like total lies on groups if you are going to do farry tails online i am sorry to say remove your self from the internet or watch how you use your english not funny that is how people get scared

later 2

hi all

i did find out today that groups io will be keeping there free groups good i say to this as i would be lost without email and that is me so over the moon as that topic went off like a rocket and in email groups some times they like to make a  good story and that is why i allways watch in groups yes folks lets make up a lovely story buy email some times owners stop this but it can still be to late some times

chat later

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

hi all

i am not happy to pay the cost if he does away with the free accounts set up as dad said alot of people with disabilities will say good bye to him and yahoo is not a choice for any blind user as its trash with a screen reader


Monday, 23 April 2018


hi all

just doing fine today and i want to just givyou all a fast update we are having fish and fries this evening


Saturday, 14 April 2018

gave up with books for now

hi all

i have gave up with looking for books for now as i feel its to much i am jumping back and forth again and that is one of the reasons why i have gave up and reason 2 is i can not find one i would enjoy i have thought about the firey cross again at this time i am not sure if i feel better after supper i might try the firey cross at this time i am trying no more i thought i would like dan brown books its not to be i could start debt of honour buy tom clancy but even he would not make me feel at piece just now i think i am having one of they days where you feel sad i have now got a book called inferno set in italy buy dan brown and its ok but it will do for a change and i can read any thing now as long as i mind to leave it and do not fall a sleep then lose my place in the book


Tuesday, 10 April 2018

a new blog about funchal but

hi all

there is a new blog about funchal but its not very accessible to blind as it has got very little text and it does not really matter this blog as its about half priced foodfor example and fun things to do in funchal but i think to get full use of the things on that new blog you would have to live there as i do not see the point of that blog been online for the world if you want to make a blog like that make it only accessed in that country i wanted to share my feelings on this


Monday, 9 April 2018

books again folks

hi all

just still thinking of doing the firey cross after echo in bone as the people are good players in this fiction book and even the plots in both books does not sound to far away with unreal fiction what i mean buy this the seens in the plots are not tofiction and far gone some books have unreal fiction and the plots are that far feched you could get lost with them i am going to see how menny fiction books i can get to read and thrillers and general fiction and history fiction that subject i have not had a good look at there is so much to read on there i am going to get lost in fiction

more later

Sunday, 8 April 2018

just some wrighting

hi all

we had lamb and potatoes this evening it was lovely for most of sunday i have just been listening to my current book i have nearly finished it with 8  parts to go so doing well i also re down loaded the file so it will not run out this should be the last down load of this book until i finish it

chat soon

Saturday, 7 April 2018

might be a change of plan my book

hi all today on this saturday i found a  book on the civil war wich i do understand from google on the internet this war happend in ammerica now i want to also try this book sooner not later as i do not know any thing about this war at all all i know is it was in ammerica and there might be a small title change here in the next few days as the echo is nearly finished with only 12 parts of the file to go and for the echo book i would say it is 10 out of 10 for this i might do the firey cross before the civil war at this time i am not sure what to do

later your friend

Friday, 6 April 2018

i got lost

hi all i got lost in a book called an echo to the bone wich is first class and i just hope that the firey cross is just as good as the current book the writer is called dianna not diann dianna

Gabaldon her name is just in case you are interested in her books its the first time i have found her and so far i would try her books in the future that is how i am willing to try firey cross as my next title as she wrights about scotland but its not that i am keen on i think her wrighting has something in it it holds your interest i can now listen to any book so i will be trying all sorts and i will tell you on my blog if i find any good ones i was going to try a history book or 2 as i have got 2 books wich i have found only today there is alot of good audio books out there at the webpage bear this in mind not all books are new as they take ages to do and to get copy wright as well so there is some audio books wich are new but alot of them are old from years ago now that i know where i went wrong i might try to listen to the ones i stopped playing like show gun and shantaram and debt of honour but first we will go for the firey cross as that is worth a try for sure we will have fish and fries this friday

chat later our weather is iffy with cold and mixing this with rain i am dandy today just doing this post on my blog as i am a small bit feeling like writing wrighting for me is very good and its helping me from time to time do this blog

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

late post

hi all it is snowing in the states and i find that so funny as it is snowing in april

what next i was just listening to a small bit of my book called an echo to the bone as its still very good and its keeping me going daily once i am finished it i will let you all know

i feel sad again

more soon

my blog

hi all i was ill so not did an update for a while and i was reading my book called an echo to the bone wich is very good there is another one i might try at a later date called the firey cross  wich is did buy the same writer called diann with the same people in the story line or the plot its another fiction one history fiction it comes under of the cite both books

i found out also how you work the pages of results on the book cite that took ages as i resulted in to asking them last week as i nearly gave up this web cite as i thought it had only a few books but it was saying 579 pages and i was only getting so menny but after i asked i found out where i went wrong so i can read any thing now and let it play on and on until i finish it one draw back is this you only get the down load file of the book for 3 weeks there is a trick you can do before it runs out you can 1  return it

2  re down load it so that it does not end on the date so that is what i have did today so that is me back to 3 weeks again

our weather is snowing  this day and wet with heavy rain

more writing soon