Monday, 1 October 2018


hi all we had mince pie and potatoes and it was lovely and to hot and i am saying heat

for some reason i have managed to unsubscribe my self from the comments of my own blog


to my blog for a monday

hi all

i am trying to do this on a word doc then copy it then paste it in to the writer as i find the writer hopeless to write on so i am trying other ways to achieve this

i am still finding life tuff and it does not matter what i do it will not leave me alone sorry for ranting on my blog but its the best thing to do as ccounciling i can not access this as it would need to be with some one who i know as i have got speach issues that is how i enjoy writing my feelings down on sheet of paper as i call my blog and i am finding my blog useful at this time as i can just write and council my self as it were i am not sure how menny posts i will do at this time

well folks 3 weeks today i go to the small jail to do time and yes it feels like this as we have very little to focus on and it can make you verry depressed as well as other things

i will write more as i want to make this post like a note
