hi all since the last time i was on my blog my tummy got very sore and i think i ate some out of date food or something as i was quite sick and ill on friday and i could not blog or do any thing online on saturday so welcome back to you jamie i do want to keep my blog going as its something i do enjoy wrighting up
i will make this post short again as i do not wish to kill my self when i am only getting better once again as i had a bad time in feb as well now march i did forget to say to lose a battle book is good and interesting to read about the french war and partly it goes in to germany and what the germans were doing and hitler as well i think its set before the second world war started in 1936 as it keeps on about that year if i finish it i will re post the book cover for you to have a look over but if i was you if you are in to the french war i would read this book