Saturday 17 March 2018

more snow

hi my readers

we have more snow  on sunday i hope its lovely than heavy and it lies as on monday we are ment to be nice and dry what a shame i feel sad about this and i wish the weather had a nice bit of hail stones like golf balls and a small bit stormy with rain coming out of the sky like a good shoure like a wash out i want the weather to have a good storm with power cuts and good rain and golf balls over head like guns banging and houses to get so wet you can hear all water coming in to them as i really want to stay at home and rock on my blog and maybe i can do rocking on my blog at phew and it will feel very good with some powerful peaces about how i really feel he is writing a blog this visit what next i find my blog brings me joy

good night as the french would say bon wee good night in french and the scottish would say good night pal

i wish i could talk some french and in scotland we would use that french word to mean are you having a swear are you talking french dad does this some times at other drivers on the roads and his french can be a laugh some times

i will say bon wee to my friends

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